We are pleased to announce that you can now access health services from Taffs Well Medical Centre on the new NHS Wales App. The App is a simple and secure way to: book routine appointments, order repeats and view parts of your medical record. To access the App you must have a fully verified NHS Login, or a valid photo ID to prove who you are and be aged 16 or over. Download the App today or use the desktop web version available. Find out more at:
Login page Login screen (nhs.wales)
Help page NHS login - NHS Wales App
Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi y gallwch nawr gael mynediad i wasanaethau iechyd o Taffs Well Medical Centre ar Ap newydd GIG Cymru. Mae’r Ap yn ffordd syml a diogel o: drefnu apwyntiadau arferol, archebu ailddarllediadau a gweld rhannau o’ch cofnod meddygol. I gael mynediad i'r Ap mae'n rhaid bod gennych chi Fewngofnod GIG wedi'i wirio'n llawn, neu ID llun dilys i brofi pwy ydych chi a'ch bod yn 16 oed neu'n hŷn. Lawrlwythwch yr Ap heddiw neu defnyddiwch y fersiwn gwe bwrdd gwaith sydd ar gael.
Darganfyddwch fwy yn Sgrin mewngofnodi (nhs.wales)
Cymorth mewngofnodi GIG Cymru NHS login - Ap GIG Cymru

Welcome to Taff's Well Medical Practice
The practice operates from two sites. The main surgery is the medical centre in Taff"s Well, which is a single storey purpose-built building. A branch surgery is situated in a modern single storey suite, which is an integral part of the Castle View shopping centre on the outskirts of Caerphilly. Wide ranges of services are available in the Medical Centre. The Castle View surgery offers a slightly more restricted service.
There is a wealth of information about medical conditions and diseases in our patient information leaflets as well as all the latest practice news and developments. You can also allow the nurses to collect travel information by using the Travel Form.
We are always looking to improve our services so please fill in our patient survey or leave some feedback on our contact page. We hope that with your help and co-operation we will be able to make this website a better place for all your online needs.
Do you have a few minutes to take our patient survey?
Sensory Loss Campaign Film ENGLISH
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(Site updated 29/08/2024)